Get Rewarded For Every Step You Take

Experience the next generation of exploration and rewards, while being green and empowering the local community

Get started
What is turns your daily walks into a journey of rewards. Earn perks from local businesses, connect with a community of explorers, and make a positive impact on the environment, all through the simple act of walking. Ready to step out and explore?
Walk & Earn Earn rewards by completing walking goals/tasks. The more you walk, the more you earn. It's that simple.
Active Goals Build an active lifestyle and set a fitness routine through walking goals generated by the app. Being active has never been this easy.
Green Steps Save the earth by walking — The app tracks your carbon savings and trees preserved from walks. Be fulfilled and rewarded by the positive impact you make.
Community Trails Share your walking journey with others and connect with other wanderers in the app. You can even walk with your friends and earn points together.
Support Local Support small businesses and help them gain traction by simply visiting their airdrop regions and gaining rewards. It's the best way to engage with customers!
Explore & Ascend Unlock achievements and level up as you explore the world. Every time you go to new regions, you level up. Become a #Wanderer and step outside your comfort zone.
"The researchers from Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge says that increased walking and cycling post-lockdown may reduce deaths from heart disease and cancer."
avatarImage —  University of Cambridge , Good News Network
20% reduced rate of early death
24% reduced rate of death from cardiovascular disease
16% reduced rate of death from cancer
11% reduced rate of a cancer diagnosis

Get ready for the most exciting innovation of features yet. Let's dive in, shall we?

AI-Generated Goals Get Moving, Stay Fit Earn rewards by meeting personalized walking goals set for morning, afternoon, and evening. Our AI tailors these goals to help you build an active lifestyle effortlessly.
Local Airdrop Rewards

Boost Small Businesses

Rewards Galore Participate in exclusive airdrop events by small/local businesses. Simply walk within the specified regions, scan the QR code, and enjoy a variety of rewards from coupons to in-app perks. Example ->
Discover Local Gems Explore new corners of your city and help your local business to gain traction. Example ->
Community Sharing

Share, Like, Award

After completing walking tasks or attending airdrop events, share your journey in our Community. Engage with posts in a Tinder-like interface by liking, disliking, or awarding, and even donate points to fellow wanderers for their outstanding contributions.
Eco-Friendly Statistics

Walk More, Save the Planet

Track Your Green Steps Witness the environmental impact of your choices by monitoring carbon emission reductions and the number of trees preserved. Example ->
Greener Alternative Inspire and be inspired to opt for walking, contributing to a healthier planet. Example ->
Exploration and Growth Leveling Explore, Level Up, Be a #Wanderer With each step outside your comfort zone, you level up. isn't just about walking; it's about exploring the world and growing as an individual. Join us, and embrace the wanderer within.
Follow Us
How it works Being a #Wanderer has never been easier
1 — Sign up Begin your adventure by creating an account using the Internet Computer Protocol's (ICP) internet identity. This ensures maximum security and reliability. After logging in, you will be greeted by the Explore view where you can see your available tasks.
More Info
2 — Complete Tasks Dive into a variety of walking tasks designed by for you. Engage even further by visiting physical airdrop regions hosted by local businesses—just go and scan their QR codes to earn special rewards.
3 — Share Journey Share your walking experiences with the community and inspire others with your journey. Your posts can be recognized and rewarded to earn points. Engage with fellow wanderers to support each other's journeys.
4 — Earn Rewards Earn rewards by completing tasks, engaging in airdrop events, and contributing to the community. Your active lifestyle supports local businesses and environmental conservation.
5 — Level Up Level up by exploring new places. Track your impact with stats like trees saved, enhancing your journey as you venture beyond your comfort zone.
Get wandering with now! We stimulate people to engage more in real-world interactions by emerging digital rewards.
Sign Up for Beta
Frequently asked questions Got questions that need to be answered? We might already thought of it in here. Feel free to reach out to us for additional inquiries.
— Where can I download the app? is in an exclusive early access phase, available through Expo Go for both iOS and Android users. This platform enables us to gather valuable feedback and ensure a seamless experience for our community. Interested in being part of our testing group? Sign up below to get started. For Android enthusiasts, we also offer direct testing through an APK file. Keep an eye out for our official launch coming soon!
— Is an Internet Identity account required to use
Yes, to ensure the highest level of security and leverage the benefits of blockchain technology with the ICP blockchain, an Internet Identity account is necessary for all users. The Internet Identity is an anonymizing blockchain authentication system on the Internet Computer that allows users to sign in securely and pseudonymously to dapps, without the need for passwords or personal information.
— Why use ICP blockchain for
The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is a unique, general-purpose blockchain that hosts smart contracts, known as canisters. It's designed to act as a World Computer, replacing traditional IT and hosting a new generation of Web 3.0 services and applications that run solely from the blockchain, without the need for traditional IT. By using ICP, taps into a framework that supports decentralized and tamper-proof data storage, ensuring the integrity and security of user activities and rewards. This approach allows for a transparent and secure environment, building a robust platform for community engagement and reward distribution.
— How does the app track my walking goals/tasks?
The app uses the built-in pedometer and GPS on your phone to monitor your walking activity and progress towards your daily goals. The app can check if the user is walking or not through various factors like speed, gyroscope, etc.
— What kind of rewards can I earn by completing walking tasks?
You can earn points that can be redeemed for discounts at local businesses, or for exclusive in-app rewards.
— How do I participate in airdrop events from local businesses?
To participate in airdrop events, ensure your app's location services are enabled. When you walk within the specified radius of a participating local business, you'll receive a notification with the airdrop details. Simply follow the instructions to scan the QR code at the location to claim your rewards.
— Can I share my walking journey with others in the app?
Absolutely! There is a "Walk with a friend" feature allowing you to walk with your friends simultaneously. After completing your walking tasks or attending airdrop events, you can even share pictures and experiences in the Community section of the app. Here, you can also engage with other wanderers' posts by liking, disliking, awarding, and even donating points to outstanding contributions.
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This was created as a submission to the ICP Hub PH - iThink Hackathon 2024 by:
Mel Mathew Palaña